Curriculum Vitae
Date Prepared: December 18, 2017
Personal and contact information
Name; Kazuhiro Nakayama
Nationality: Japanese
Office Address: Bioscience Bldg. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha. Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-8562 Japan
Work Phone: +81-4-7136-3686
Work E-mail: knakayama@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Work FAX: +81-4-7136-3687
Education and professional experience
1999. 3 B. E. (Biotechnology), Tokai University, Japan
2001. 3 MSc (Anthropology), Graduate School of Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2004. 3 Ph.D. (Anthropology), Graduate School of Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Professional experience
2004. 4-2005. 3 Postdoctoral Fellow, JSPS, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2005. 4-2006. 3 Postdoctoral Fellow, 21st COE Program, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2006. 4-2013. 3 Research Associate, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Japan
2006. 4- Adjunct lecturer(Biochemistry), Maronie College of Health & Welfare Sciences, Japan
2013. 3-2017. 6 Lecturer, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Japan
2017. 4- Adjunct lecturer (Anthropology), Utsunomiya College of Dental Hygienist, Japan
2017. 4- Adjunct lecturer (Human Genetics), Jichi Medical University, Japan
2017. 7- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Report of teaching and training
2006. 4- Undergraduate students, Human Genetics, Jichi Medical University,
2006. 4- Undergraduate students, Biochemistry, Maronie College of Health & Welfare Sciences
2017. 4- Undergraduate students, Anthropology, Utsunomiya College of Dental Hygienist, Japan
Professional Society
Anthropological Society of Nippon (Japan)
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (Japan)
The Japan Society of Human Genetics (Japan)
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Sciences (Japan)
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity (Japan)
European Society of Human Genetics
American Society of Human Genetics
Referee for International Journal
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Journal of Human Genetics, Human Genetics, Anthropological Science, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, BMC Open, PLOS One, Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, Journal of Medical Genetics, Primates, Journal of Lipid Research, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Journal of Translational Medicine, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, International Journal of Obesity
Committee Service
2014.1- Secretary, Anthropological Society of Nippon (Japan)
2005. 7 Presentation Award, The 21st Annual Congress of the Primate Society of Japan
2007. 7 Takashima Prize, The Primate Society of Japan
2008. 9 Poster Award, The 7th International Symposium of Advances in Legal Medicine
2009.11 Presentation Award, The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for DNA Polymorphism Research
2011.11 Presentation Award, The 65th Annual Meeting of Anthropological Society of Nippon
Funding information
Principal Investigator
2015. 4- JSPS KAKENHI 15K14612, 3,000,000JPY/3 years
2014. 4-2017. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 26291096, 12,500,000JPY/3 years
2013. 4-2015. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 24657171, 3,100,000JPY/3 years
2011. 3-2014. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 23687036, 9,400,000JPY/3 years
2009. 4-2011. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 21687021, 8,500,000JPY/2 years
2007. 4-2009. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 19770214, 3,300,000JPY/2 years
2009. 1-2010.12 Grant from the KAO Research Council for the Study of Healthcare Science, 1,000,000/1 year
Collaborative Investigator
2017. 4- JSPS KAKENHI 17H01453 (PI: Shigeki Watanuki, Kyusyu University)
2014. 4-2017. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 26251050 (PI: Shigeki Watanuki, Kyusyu University)
2013. 4-2017. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 25461377 (PI: Sadahiko Iwamoto, Jichi Medical University)
2013. 4-2016. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 25350904 (PI: Yasuo Kagawa, Kagawa Nutrition University)
2013. 4-2016. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 25291103 (PI: Jun Ohashi, The University of Tokyo)
2010. 4-2012. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 22591001 (PI: Sadahiko Iwamoto)
2010. 4-2012. 3 JSPS KAKENHI 22370084 (PI: Jun Ohashi, The University of Tokyo)
Invited Presentation
1. Nakayama K Signatures of recent natural positive selection in Mongolian genomes. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan, Okayama, Japan, September 13, 2017
2. Nakayama K. Identification of Genetic variants for Visceral Fat Accumulation in Japanese. The 12th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology. Chiba, Japan, October 29, 2015
3. Nakayama K. Genetics of fat distribution and metabolism: Perspectives from human evolution. International Symposium on Human Adaptation to Environment and Whole-body Coordination. Kobe, Japan, March 15, 2015
Original Article
1. Boonvisut S, Yoshida K, Nakayama K, Watanabe K, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Identification of deleterious rare variants in MTTP, PNPLA3, and TM6SF2 in Japanese males and association studies with NAFLD. Lipids Health Dis. 2017 Sep 26;16(1):183. doi: 10.1186/s12944-017-0570-y. PubMed PMID: 28950858; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5615465.
2. Nakayama K, Saito S, Watanabe K, Miyashita H, Nishijima F, Kamo Y, Tada K, Ishizuka S, Niwa T, Iwamoto S, Shimizu H. Influence of AHRR Pro189Ala polymorphism on kidney functions. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2017 Jun;81(6):1120-1124. doi:10.1080/09168451.2017.1292838. Epub 2017 Feb 20. PubMed PMID: 28485216.
3. Nakayama K, Ohashi J, Watanabe K, Munkhtulga L, Iwamoto S. Evidence for Very Recent Positive Selection in Mongolians. Mol Biol Evol. 2017 Aug 1;34(8):1936-1946. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msx138. PubMed PMID: 28444381.
4. Nakayama K, Iwamoto S. An adaptive variant of TRIB2, rs1057001, is associated with higher expression levels of thermogenic genes in human subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues. J Physiol Anthropol. 2017 Feb 17;36(1):16. doi:10.1186/s40101-017-0132-z. PubMed PMID: 28212671; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5316227.
5. Watanabe K, Nakayama K, Ohta S, Tago K, Boonvisut S, Millings EJ, Fischer SG, LeDuc CA, Leibel RL, Iwamoto S. ZNF70, a novel ILDR2-interacting protein, contributes to the regulation of HES1 gene expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Sep 2;477(4):712-716. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.06.124. Epub 2016 Jun 25. PubMed PMID: 27353377.
6. Horiguchi S, Nakayama K, Iwamoto S, Ishijima A, Minezaki T, Baba M, Kontai Y, Horikawa C, Kawashima H, Shibata H, Kagawa Y, Kawabata T. Associations between a fatty acid desaturase gene polymorphism and blood arachidonic acid compositions in Japanese elderly. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2016 Feb;105:9-14. doi: 10.1016/j.plefa.2015.11.005. Epub 2015 Dec 21. PubMed PMID: 26869086.
7. Boonvisut S, Nakayama K, Makishima S, Watanabe K, Miyashita H, Lkhagvasuren M, Kagawa Y, Iwamoto S. Replication analysis of genetic association of the NCAN-CILP2 region with plasma lipid levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Asian and Pacific ethnic groups. Lipids Health Dis. 2016 Jan 13; 15:8. doi:10.1186/s12944-016-0181-z. PubMed PMID: 26758378; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4711176.
8. Iwamoto S, Boonvisut S, Makishima S, Ishizuka Y, Watanabe K, Nakayama K. The role of TRIB1 in lipid metabolism; from genetics to pathways. Biochem Soc Trans. 2015 Oct;43(5):1063-8. doi: 10.1042/BST20150094. Review. PubMed PMID: 26517924.
9. Yang Z, Matsumoto A, Nakayama K, Jimbo EF, Kojima K, Nagata K, Iwamoto S, Yamagata T. Circadian-relevant genes are highly polymorphic in autism spectrum disorder patients. Brain Dev. 2016 Jan;38(1):91-9. doi: 10.1016/j.braindev.2015.04.006. Epub 2015 May 6. PubMed PMID: 25957987.
10. Makishima S, Boonvisut S, Ishizuka Y, Watanabe K, Nakayama K, Iwamoto S. Sin3A-associated protein, 18 kDa, a novel binding partner of TRIB1, regulates MTTP expression. J Lipid Res. 2015 Jun;56(6):1145-52. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M057802. Epub 2015 Apr 28. PubMed PMID: 25921304; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4442872.
11. Nakayama K, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Seasonal effects of the UCP3 and the RPTOR gene polymorphisms on obesity traits in Japanese adults. J Physiol Anthropol. 2014 Dec 22; 33:38. doi: 10.1186/1880-6805-33-38. PubMed PMID: 25533680; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4347541.
12. Nakayama K, Watanabe K, Boonvisut S, Makishima S, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Common variants of GIP are associated with visceral fat accumulation in Japanese adults. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2014 Dec 1;307(11):G1108-14. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00282.2014. Epub 2014 Oct 16. PubMed PMID: 25324507.
13. Nakayama K, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Assessment of the adaptive significance of MLXIPL Gln241His variant by using health check-up cohorts. Jpn J Physiol Anthropol. 2014 19:63-67
14. Ishizuka Y, Nakayama K, Ogawa A, Makishima S, Boonvisut S, Hirao A, Iwasaki Y, Yada T, Yanagisawa Y, Miyashita H, Takahashi M, Iwamoto S; Jichi Medical University Promotion Team of Large-Scale Human Genome Bank for All over Japan. TRIB1 downregulates hepatic lipogenesis and glycogenesis via multiple molecular interactions. J Mol Endocrinol. 2014 Feb 24;52(2):145-58. doi: 10.1530/JME-13-0243. Print 2014 Apr. PubMed PMID: 24389359.
15. Nakayama K, Miyashita H, Yanagisawa Y, Iwamoto S. Seasonal effects of UCP1 gene polymorphism on visceral fat accumulation in Japanese adults. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 25;8(9): e74720. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074720. eCollection 2013. PubMed PMID: 24086366; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3783463.
16. Naka I, Hikami K, Nakayama K, Koga M, Nishida N, Kimura R, Furusawa T, Natsuhara K, Yamauchi T, Nakazawa M, Ataka Y, Ishida T, Inaoka T, Iwamoto S, Matsumura Y, Ohtsuka R, Tsuchiya N, Ohashi J. A functional SNP upstream of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor gene (ADRB2) is associated with obesity in Oceanic populations. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Sep;37(9):1204-10. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.206. Epub 2012 Dec 11. PubMed PMID: 23229733; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3768098.
17. Nakayama K, Ogawa A, Miyashita H, Tabara Y, Igase M, Kohara K, Miki T, Kagawa Y, Yanagisawa Y, Katashima M, Onda T, Okada K, Fukushima S, Iwamoto S. Positive natural selection of TRIB2, a novel gene that influences visceral fat accumulation, in East Asia. Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;132(2):201-17. doi: 10.1007/s00439-012-1240-9. Epub 2012 Oct 31. PubMed PMID: 23108367.
18. Panichareon B, Nakayama K, Iwamoto S, Thurakitwannakarn W, Sukhumsirichart W. Association of CTXN3-SLC12A2 polymorphisms and schizophrenia in a Thai population. Behav Brain Funct. 2012 May 29; 8:27. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-8-27. PubMed PMID: 22643131; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3433332.
19. Nakayama K, Yanagisawa Y, Ogawa A, Ishizuka Y, Munkhtulga L, Charupoonphol P, Supannnatas S, Kuartei S, Chimedregzen U, Koda Y, Ishida T, Kagawa Y, Iwamoto S. High prevalence of an anti-hypertriglyceridemic variant of the MLXIPL gene in Central Asia. J Hum Genet. 2011 Dec;56(12):828-33. doi: 10.1038/jhg.2011.109. Epub 2011 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 21938000.
20. Panichareon B, Nakayama K, Thurakitwannakarn W, Iwamoto S, Sukhumsirichart W. OPCML gene as a schizophrenia susceptibility locus in Thai population. J Mol Neurosci. 2012 Feb;46(2):373-7. doi: 10.1007/s12031-011-9595-2. Epub 2011 Jul 21. PubMed PMID: 21833655.
21. Nakayama K, Bayasgalan T, Tazoe F, Yanagisawa Y, Gotoh T, Yamanaka K, Ogawa A, Munkhtulga L, Chimedregze U, Kagawa Y, Ishibashi S, Iwamoto S; Jichi Medical University Promotion Team of a Large-scale Human Genome Bank for All over Japan. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the FADS1/FADS2 gene is associated with plasma lipid profiles in two genetically similar Asian ethnic groups with distinctive differences in lifestyle. Hum Genet. 2010 Jun;127(6):685-90. doi: 10.1007/s00439-010-0815-6. Epub 2010 Apr 3. PubMed PMID: 20364269.
22. Munkhtulga L, Nagashima S, Nakayama K, Utsumi N, Yanagisawa Y, Gotoh T, Omi T, Kumada M, Zolzaya K, Lkhagvasuren T, Kagawa Y, Fujiwara H, Hosoya Y, Hyodo M, Horie H, Kojima M, Ishibashi S, Iwamoto S. Regulatory SNP in the RBP4 gene modified the expression in adipocytes and associated with BMI. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 May;18(5):1006-14. doi: 10.1038/oby.2009.358. Epub 2009 Oct 22. PubMed PMID: 19851303.
23. Nakayama K, Shotake T, Takeneka O, Ishida T. Variations in the Coding Region of the Agouti Signaling Protein Gene Do Not Explain Agouti/Non-agouti Phenotypes in Macaques. J Mammal Evol. 2010 17: 211-4.
24. Yanagisawa Y, Munkhtulga L, Nakayama K, Iwamoto S, Charupoonphol P, Supannnatas S, Kuartei S, Chimedregzen U, Kawabata T, Kaneko Y, Watanabe S, Sakuma M, Komatsu F, Hasegawa K, Kagawa Y. Diversity in genes responsible for lifestyle-related diseases in Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2008 Oct;20 Suppl:257-61. PubMed PMID: 19533890.
25. Nakayama K, Lkhagvasuren M, Yanagisawa Y, Utsumi N, Kumada M, Gotoh T, Iwamoto S, Kagawa Y. Comparative study of polymorphisms on genes associated with lifestyle related diseases in Asian and Pacific populations. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2008 Oct;20 Suppl:173-9. PubMed PMID: 19533878.
26. Higasa S, Tsujimura M, Hiraoka M, Nakayama K, Yanagisawa Y, Iwamoto S, Kagawa Y. Genetic polymorphisms of xenobiotic enzymes affect human vitamin C excretion. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2008 Oct;20 Suppl:70-9. PubMed PMID: 19533864.
27. Nakayama K, Bayasgalan T, Yamanaka K, Kumada M, Gotoh T, Utsumi N, Yanagisawa Y, Okayama M, Kajii E, Ishibashi S, Iwamoto S; Jichi Community Genetics Team (JCOG). Large scale replication analysis of loci associated with lipid concentrations in a Japanese population. J Med Genet. 2009 Jun;46(6):370-4. doi: 10.1136/jmg.2008.064063. Epub 2009 Mar 11. Erratum in: J Med Genet. 2009 Dec;46(12):861. PubMed PMID: 19487539.
28. Tsujimura M, Higasa S, Nakayama K, Yanagisawa Y, Iwamoto S, Kagawa Y. Vitamin C activity of dehydroascorbic acid in humans--association between changes in the blood vitamin C concentration or urinary excretion after oral loading. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2008 Aug;54(4):315-20. PubMed PMID: 18797154.
29. Nakayama K, Shotake T, Takeneka O, Ishida T. Variation of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene in the macaques. Am J Primatol. 2008 Aug;70(8):778-85. doi:10.1002/ajp.20547. PubMed PMID: 18454455.
30. Higasa S, Tsujimura M, Hiraoka M, Nakayama K, Yanagisawa Y, Iwamoto S, Kagawa Y. Polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase P1 gene affects human vitamin C metabolism. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Dec 21;364(3):708-13. Epub 2007 Oct 23. PubMed PMID: 17964545.
31. Munkhtulga L, Nakayama K, Utsumi N, Yanagisawa Y, Gotoh T, Omi T, Kumada M, Erdenebulgan B, Zolzaya K, Lkhagvasuren T, Iwamoto S. Identification of a regulatory SNP in the retinol binding protein 4 gene associated with type 2 diabetes in Mongolia. Hum Genet. 2007 Feb;120(6):879-88. Epub 2006 Sep 28. PubMed PMID: 17006670.
32. Nakayama K, Ishida T. Alu-mediated 100-kb deletion in the primate genome: the loss of the agouti signaling protein gene in the lesser apes. Genome Res. 2006 Apr;16(4):485-90. PubMed PMID: 16597585; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1457035.
33. Nakayama K, Soemantri A, Jin F, Dashnyam B, Ohtsuka R, Duanchang P, Isa MN, Settheetham-Ishida W, Harihara S, Ishida T. Identification of novel functional variants of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene originated from Asians. Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;119(3):322-30. Epub 2006 Feb 4. PubMed PMID: 16463023.
34. Nakayama K, Fukamachi S, Kimura H, Koda Y, Soemantri A, Ishida T. Distinctive distribution of AIM1 polymorphism among major human populations with different skin color. J Hum Genet. 2002;47(2):92-4. PubMed PMID: 11916009.